genuine dalmatian prosciutto Slivno Imotski
Prut Baric

Prosciutto Baric

The company OT d.o.o. from Split was founded in  1991.It is owned by the family Baric.The company is registered for trade and services but its primary activity is the production and sales of authentic dry-cured meat products: Dalmatian prosciutto and Dalmatian pancetta. The production takes place in… more

Climate and Origin

Long recognized locally for its high quality, uniqueness of Dalmatian prosciutto is also recognized and received a status of a protected geographical origin in the EU, despite the existence of other seemingly similar products on the EU market.

Climatic conditions in Dalmatia especially in the Dalmatian hinterland, on the slopes Dinara mountain, are largely the reason for the obvious distinctions, as well as the production process itself, which is fully manual, time-consuming and left to natural conditions.

The specificity of the Dalmatian climate which is essentially Mediterranean is in its strong winds "bura" and "jugo" each in their own way affect the drying process and salinity necessary to produce this unique product.

salt and dry winds of Dalmatian Countryside

Prosciutto Baric
